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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Book 10 Summary > Menanti Imam Ke-12: Peranan Revolusi Iran Di Belakang Tabir Dalam Mempersiapkan Kedatangan Dajjal

Menanti Imam Ke-12


Future Publisher:
PTS Publications

Translated in English as 'Awaiting The Twelth Imam: Hidden Role Of The Iranian Revolution In Preparing The Antichrist'.

The work is not meant to incite hatred between Shiites and Sunnis or adherents to other religions but to raise their awareness, with the hope of building a better world.

Hopefully it will expose the hidden hands behind the current World situations that the International public probably had never even known of, discussing:

The Judaic origins of Shiism. Shiism and Islam are two different religions. Penetration of the Kharijites into Shiism after demise of the Caliph Ali. They were extreme Muslims who had left the mainstream Islamic community and war was declared by Ali against them following advice of the Prophet Muhammad who insisted on killing them for they will be followers of The Antichrist

Prophecy by the Prophet that the Antichrist will appear among the Kharijites. The book traces the religious lineage of present Shiites back to their Kharijite forefathers

Hizbullah's involvement in the killing of innocent civilians of Shabra Shatila. What are they up to now in Lebanon? Are they are trying to ignite the Middle East into potential World War Three and more dangerously attempting to win the attention of the Islamic World?

The secret US-Iran relationships. Enemies in public but friends in private. 'Irangate' scandal touched. Khomeini's path to power eased by the White House. Khomeini's strange beliefs and diversion from true Islamic teachings of the Prophet Muhammad

The mention by the Prophet Muhammad of the appearance of the Antichrist in Isfahan, Iran. Why in Iran, an Islamic fundamentalist state? Not in America?

Many Shiite scholars mentioned that The Twelth Imam, will also be the Messiah of the Jews and the Christians. Will it be the same figure who will appear as The Twelth Imam of the Shiites, Moshiach of the Jews and Christ of the Christians? Will he be the Antichrist?

The prophecy of the Prophet Muhammad in authentic narrations that the Antichrist will appear within the Muslim world (between Syria and Iraq), and not in the West as imagined by many Muslims. Several Biblical scholars argued based on their research that the Beast will come from the Eastern leg of The Roman Empire (now the vast area encompassing Syria, Iraq and Iran). The 3 countries are at present under the tight grip of the Shiite Governments

Situation in Iraq. Countless of Muslims are being slaughtered daily by Shiites, assisted by the Americans

Nostradamus prophesied that the Antichrist will destroy present Christianity and distort beliefs of Islam. Also mention by him of the taking over of Iran by placing a human decoy (Ahmadinajad?) into power and subsequently his future assasination before the Antichrist (Shiite Hidden Imam?) appears on the scene. The Hojjatieh Society, a secret society now controlling President Ahmadinajad and all levels of the Iranian Government, having philosophy very much similar to Freemasonry, one motto being 'creation of order before chaos to hasten the arrival of the Hidden Imam'

The Author's views regarding future World events in chronological order:
1) Appearance of the true Imam Mahdi appearing from Madinah, leading the World into Global peace and prosperity and paving the way for the second coming of Christ
2) World War 3 will erupt in the Middle East, wiping out both Middle Eastern Zionist and Islamic Worlds
3) Emergence of Iran as the new Superpower in the Middle East with support of the Antichrist appearing as 'The Twelth Imam'. The Antichrist will use Iran, not America as his stepstone, in order to confuse the minds of the believing people
4) Appearance of the Antichrist on the global scene after the War as Saviour of Humanity, appearing simultaneously as 'The Twelth Imam' of the Shiites, 'Moshiach' of the Zionists, 'Christ' of the Christians, 'Maitreya' of the Buddhists and Saviour awaited by other religions. Possibility of the present Ecumenical Movement being precursor to the future New World Messianic Religion of the Antichrist
5) The possibility of Greater Israel State being also Greater Shiite State. President Ahmadinajad's rhetoric to 'wipe out' the State of Israel is a charade designed to deceive the Muslims. Will the wiping out be followed by the greater combined Zionist-Shiite State?
6) If prophecies of Nostradamus can be relied, the taking over of Iran by the Antichrist, to be followed by unity of the entire Islamic Nation under him (The Prophet mentioned that majority of his followers will be deceived by 'Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal'), and eventually the merger of the entire Islamic nation with atheistic Russia and China to become the next Superpower. America's influence will be reduced greatly
7) Finally, the Antichrist will be killed at the hands of Jesus Christ who will put an end to tyranny and oppression on the Globe. The Golden Age (The Kingdom of God) will be established with the second coming of Jesus, after destruction of the Antichrist and subsequently Gog Magog. Humanity will embrace Islam in large numbers. Christ will take humanity to the understanding of Islam as originally brought by the Prophet Muhammad and his companions; Islam that is pure from polytheism and innovations and Islam that promotes advancement in spirituality as well as economy, business, science and technology

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Iran's Shocking 50 Year Plot to Rule the Middle East and Beyond, by Iranian Sunni Group

The Prophet, Muhammad prophesied that The Antichrist will appear in Iran accompanied by 70,000 Jews, bearing that in mind and the treacherous history of Shiites throughout centuries, this secret letter is quite a shocking revelation.

Will the Antichrist appear as The Twelth Imam and usurp the so-called Iranian Islamic Revolution?

Top Secret Letter From Cultural Revolutionary Council to Iranian Mayors:

If we are not able to export our revolution to neighboring Islamic countries, then undoubtedly the culture of these countries, mixed with Western culture, will attack and conquer us. Thanks to God and after centuries of brave sacrifice of the nation of the 12 imams in Iran, we are now – according to the revered Shiite leaders’ guidance – carrying a heavy and dangerous responsibility: that is, the exportation of revolution. Based on that, we have to admit that our government, besides its mission in keeping the sovereignty of this country and the people’s rights, is an ideological government. We must make the exportation of the revolution one of our top priorities. But because of the international status quo and international laws – as generally agreed upon – we cannot export the revolution without facing grave and disastrous consequences.

After three sessions with the semi-consensus of the attendees and committee members, we have implemented a five-year plan, including five stages, each stage lasting 10 years, by which to export our Islamic revolution to neighboring countries with the initial aim of unifying Islam. This is because the danger we are facing from the Wahhabi rulers and those of Sunni descent is much larger than the danger posed by the East and West because they – the Wahhabis and Sunnis – resist our movement and are the fundamental enemies of the clergy’s guardianship (Wilayat al-Faqih) and the impeccable imams, to the extent that they consider embracing the Shiite sect as a religious sect and as a constitution for the country as a matter contrary to custom and Syariah.

Therefore they are dividing Islam into two opposing branches. Accordingly, we must increase our influence over the Sunni territories inside Iran, and especially in the border towns, and increase the number of mosques and Husseinite and ceremonies of creed more than before. We must provide the atmosphere in the cities that are inhabited by 90-100% Sunnis until scores of Shiites are deported from cities and villages of the interior of the country to live and work in these border towns forever. The nation and governmental circles must provide direct protection to these settlers in order to take over the management of cities and social and cultural centers that have previously been controlled by Sunni citizens.The plan we drew up to export the revolution – in order to avert any reaction from world superpowers – will utilize money that will not be spent without benefit.

The way to establish the pillars of the state: We know that establishing the pillars of each state and sustaining a nation is based on three foundations: First: the power possessed by the governing authority; Second: the learning and knowledge of the scholars and researchers; Third: the economy, which is concentrated in the hands of business leaders. If we can shake the government by inciting conflict between rulers and scholars and disperse capital in these countries and attract capital from their country to ours, we would undoubtedly be very successful because we would cause them to lose these three pillars. Regarding the rest of the people, who form 70-80% of the population of each country, they are just followers of power and influence and they are indulged in their way of life earning their livings and providing themselves with shelter. This is why they defend those in power.

In order to get to the roof of a house one must begin by stepping on the first rung of the ladder. Our Sunni and Wahhabi neighbors are Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and some of the Emirates to the south at the entrance of the Persian Gulf that appear to be united on the surface, but the facts are different. For this exact region has a huge impact on the past and the present as it is considered the throat of the earth due to the oil in the region. There is no place in the world as delicate as this region, and their rulers, because of the sale of this oil, have the potential for a better life. The populations of these regions are divided into three sects:1) The Bedouin who have been there for hundreds of years.2) Those who have immigrated from islands and ports which are considered part of our land today. Their immigration began in the era of Isamal al Safawi and continued through the eras of Nader Shah and Karim Khan Zind and the rulers of the Gajar and Bahlawi families, and there was some dispersed immigration at the beginning of the Islamic Revolution.3) Those from other Arab countries and cities of Iran’s interior. Trade, and the importing and exporting of goods, as well as construction of buildings is generally controlled by non-citizens; people living in the interior make their living by renting buildings and buying and selling land, while the relatives of those with influence live on salaries earned from the selling of oil. Most of the citizens of those countries are indulging in a socially and culturally corrupt lifestyle and other acts that are openly contrary to Islam. Many of these people are concerned only with purchasing apartments and shares in factories, depositing the capital in Europe and the United States, and especially in Japan, the United Kingdom, Sweden and Switzerland in fear of the future devastation of their countries. The control of these countries means the control of the world.

To implement the prepared 50-year plan we must, at the outset, foster our relations with our neighboring countries. There must be mutual respect, strong relations, and friendship between us to the degree that our relations will improve even after the war with Iraq and Saddam Hussein’s downfall: the fall of 1000 friends is a much easier burden to bear than the fall of one of our enemies. With good cultural, political and economic relations between us, many Iranians will immigrate to those countries and through them we can send agents who are apparently immigrants but who, in reality, are working for our regime. Their jobs will be determined as we enlist them into service by sending them abroad.

The influence of our sect, which is enjoyed to some extent in thses countries and their circles, was not a plan for just one or two days. Do not think that 50 years is a long time. Our revolution needes a plan that lasts 20 years, and our sect must enjoy a certain amount of influence in many countries and circles. At that time we did not have any employees or ministers or deputies or rulers, even the Wahhabi, Shafii, Hanafi, Maliki, Hanbali groups were considering us as apostates, and some of the followers of these sects killed the Shiites repeatedly. It is true that we did not exist at that time, but our grandfathers did, and our lives today are the fruit of their thoughts, opinions and efforts. Maybe we will not be here in the future, but our revolution and sect will remain. That is enough to be committed to this creed to sacrifice life, bread, and what we hold dear; but it is also important to have a well-studied program. We are committed to making plans not for 50 years, but for 500. We are the inheritors of millions of martyrs who have been killed by the Islamist devils (Sunnis). Their blood flows through history since the time of the death of the Prophet. The blood that has been spilled did not dry, and it will not dry until all Muslims believe in Ali and the Prophet’s family and admit the mistakes of the grandfathers and that Shiism is an ingrained inheritance of Islam.

Important stages along our way: In the first stage, we do not have a problem spreading our creed in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Iraq and Bahrain. We will make the 10-year plan the first plan in those five countries. That is why it is the responsibility of our immigrant – who are really agents – to carry out the three responsibilities they are charged with :1) To buy land, houses, and apartments, find jobs and provide the necessities to the sons of our creed and live in these homes, and to increase their numbers. 2) To form relations and friendships with business leaders, factory managers, etc., and especially with businessmen, commercial leaders, and famous people and others who enjoy influence in government circles. 3) In these countries there are scattered villages that are still under construction. There are plans to build scores of villages and small towns where none exist.

Agents arriving in the form of immigrants to these countries must buy as many houses in these villages as possible and then sell them at a reasonable price to those who have sold their properties in the city centers. In this way control will be removed from those in densely populated towns and cities. In the second stage, we must spur the people (Shiites) to respect and obey the laws and those who enforce them, as well as government employees; they must obtain official license for their creed and sectarian sermons, building mosques and Husseinite, licenses that will be regarded in the future as official documents. To start businesses and become self-employed they must think of places with a highly dense population to spread their businesses in targeted locations. The person must, in these two stages, seek the nationality of the country he is living in by taking advantage of friends and giving valuable presents; furthermore, they must encourage the youth to work in government sectors and enlist in the military.

In the second half of the 10-year plan we must secretly and indirectly agitate the Sunnis and the Wahhabi scholars against social corruption and those acts in opposition to Islam that prevail in these countries by distributing critical pamphlets from other countries in the name of the religious authorities. Undoubtedly, this will cause the agitation of scores of people in these countries. In the end those religious leaders will be arrested or they will say that what has been written in their names are lies. These pious people will defend those pamphlets rigorously and suspicious acts will take place leading to an edict either to seize their authority or replace them. These acts will result in mistrust between the rulers and the pious in the country; therefore they will not be able to spread religion and build mosques and other religious buildings. The leaders will consider religious sermons rhetoric and celebrations of creed as acts opposed to their regimes. Furthermore, it will increase the grudges and alienations between religious scholars and rulers.

Even Sunnis and Wahhabis will lose the protection of their interior centers, and they will not have external protection at all. In the third stage, when our agents have established good relations with the business leaders, the military and executive powers and are doing their jobs quietly and with good manners and not interfering in religious actions, the result will be that their rulers will be reassured by these people more than previously. When disagreement arises between religious leaders and rulers, our famous scholars from this country will at that moment disclose their loyalty and defend the members of their countries, especially during the sermons of the creed and presents Shiism as a creed that does not pose a threat to religion. If they can declare that to the people through the media they should not hesitate to attract the attention of the rulers and get their approval so that they will give them good jobs without fear at this stage. Because of this transformation that will take place in our ports and islands and in other cities in the country, and with the funds we will invest, we will implement plans to strike a blow to the economy of neighboring countries. Undoubtedly the business leaders, for the sake of gaining safe profits and economic stability, will send all their funds to our country, and when we make others free in their businesses and the banking funds are in our country, the result will be that their countries will welcome our citizens and give them economic facilities by which to invest.

When we reach the fourth stage, everything will be ready. We have before us countries whose scholars and rulers have disagreements, and whose merchants are about to become bankrupt and are leaving their countries. The people are disturbed and ready to sell their properties at half price in order to be able to leave the country for safer places. In the middle of this chaos, our agents and immigrants will be considered the only protectors of rule and authority. All of our agents by being alert enough will take the most important jobs in the civil, military and government sectors, shrinking the gaps between them and government established rulers. From such a location we are able to easily point to the loyalists in government as traitors. All of this will result in their downfall and eliminating them to be replaced with our agents. This job has two positive results:1) our agents will gain the trust of the rulers to an extent greater than previously; and2) the discontent of the Sunnis towards the ruler will increase due to an increase in the Shiite in government circles. Because of this, Sunnis will carry out more acts of resistance, and during this phase our agents must stand by the rulers and call for calm and reconciliation.

At the same time, the agents will buy the houses and properties of those about to flee. At the fifth stage of the plan, the final ten years of the 50 years, the atmosphere will be ready for revolution, because we will have achieved the three elements of security, calm and comfort. The authority will look like a ship amid a typhoon, about to sink. At that time it will accept any suggestions for survival. In this period we will suggest, through famous people, the formation of a popular assembly to calm the situation and aid the rulers in monitoring these circles, as well as keeping discipline in the country.

Undoubtedly they will accept this suggestion and our candidates will win the majority of the seats. This will result in the flight of merchants and scholars, and even the loyal servants; thus we can export our Islamic Revolution to many countries without waging wars or shedding blood. If the plan does not bear fruit and give us power in the last ten years, we could create a popular revolution and strip power from their rulers. Even if apparently our elements – Shiites – are citizens and inhabitants of this country, nevertheless at that time we will be able to say that we fulfilled our responsibility before God and our creed. It is not our target to put one person in control of power. Our target is merely to export the revolution, and by then we can raise the banner of this Godly religion. We will go forward to the world of infidels with more strength and grace the world with the light of Islam and Shiism until the coming of Al-Mahdi Al-Mawud.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Book 7 Summary > Islam Dan Syiah: Membezakan Islam Yang Dibawa Nabi Muhammad Daripada Islam Ciptaan Dajjal

Islam Dan Syiah


Future Publisher:
PTS Publications

Translated as 'Islam And Shiism: Differentiating Islam Of The Prophet From Islam Of The Antichrist'.

The work is intended to define intellectually Islam in its pure and pristine form brought by the Prophet Muhammad to his companions and differentiate it from Shiism; initially a political movement in support of the Caliph Ali but subsequently turned into a cult and finally a religion on its own. Up to this day, Shiites are still mistakenly considered Muslims, either by Muslims themselves or by adherents to other faiths.

The differences between Islam and Shiism are crucial in comprehending matters pertaining to the Antichrist and the end times, as in accordance with several authentic narrations of the Prophet Muhammad, the Antichrist will make his appearance visible initially within the Muslim Arab world, in the view of the author, claiming to be the Imam representing Pan-Islamic countries.

The author will prove academically how Shiism owes its origins to Judaism by way of conversion to Islam, a Yemenite Jewish rabbi called Abdullah Ibn Saba' who intended to destroy the Islamic community internally, and later amalgamation of elements from other religions like Zoroastrianism, Christianity and Babylonian paganism.

The book discusses:

What really occured during the turmoil eras of the Caliphs Umar, Usman and Ali

The meetings between the Caliph Ali and Abdullah Ibn Saba', the founder of Shiism (as a religion)

The infiltration of Ibn Saba' and his Judaic co-conspirators into the Caliph Ali's 'syiah' or party transforming it from a movement that favours Ali but simultaneously respecting other companions into a movement that deifies Ali and slandering all companions except a few

The early Kufan Shiites' pledge of allegiance to Imam Hussein and his family members in defiance of Yazid's dictatorship, but eventually betraying him leading to his martyrdom in the Battle of Karbalah, along with other members of the Prophet's family

Revenge of the Zoroastrian Iranians towards Umar Al-Khattab for destroying the last stronghold of the Persian empire and how the enmity translated into alliance with Ibn Saba' and his Jewish collaborators, strengthening position of Shiism

All the Imams of Shiism, except The Twelth Imam had no relations with Shiism. They were pious Muslims with sound creed, and had been used to justify existence of the religion. Numerous fabricated traditions had been attributed to those 11 Imams

Islam as originally brought by the Prophet and inherited by his companions and other pious predecessors. This is 'Al-Islam' mentioned by Allah in the last verse of the Quran; Islam that is pure from polytheism and religious innovations

The Islamic nation became divided into diverse denominations solely because of divergence from the original Islam of the Prophet. Muslims must return to 'Al-Islam' of the pious predecessors in order to protect themselves from the tribulation of the Antichrist, and eventually succeed in the next world

The author is still researching as to when and how the Antichrist managed to infiltrate into Partisanship of Ali ('Syiah li Ali') to take control of the movement and eventually turned Shiism into his stronghold having Judeo-Christian, Zoroastrian and Babylonian paganistic elements with Islam as its outward form

The Antichrist according to authentic narrations of the Prophet Muhammad. Who is he? Had anyone ever met him in person? When will he appear? With whom?

The Antichrist according to the Bible and prophecies of Nostradamus

The significance of Chapter of the Cave of the Quran. Who is Zulqarnain mentioned by the Quran?

Religions of the Antichrist. Apart from Islam, what are the other faiths that he had penetrated and corrupted?

Research on the characteristics of The Twelth Imam and how they resemble those of Moshiach of the Jews. Will the Antichrist appear as both The Twelth Imam and Moshiach of the Shiites and the Jews respectively?

The author is of the opinion that after winning the attention of the Jews and the Zionists as their 'Moshiach', The Twelth Imam will make his outrageous claim as a Prophet of God and finally God Himself, having his own Day of Resurrection and bringing his images of Paradise and Hell everywhere around the globe, entering every city on the planet except Makkah and Madinah

Significance of the 1979 Iranian Revolution as a stepping stone for the Antichrist to globally launch his revolution in conquering the whole globe. Secret role of the United States behind the revolution

Call for all Muslims to focus first on the correct creed of the Prophet and his companions before delving into other areas of Islam like politics, economics, jihad and Islamic caliphate

The Antichrist will use Shiism to take Muslims to his 'Paradise'. And it is a terrifying phenomenon that propagators of Shiism are everywhere today in the Muslim world spreading Shiism under the guise of spreading Islam and exporting the Islamic revolution

Islam is evolutionary, not revolutionary

The Antichrist according to sound Prophetic traditions, will be able to unify neo-Kharijites (Al-Qaeda?), with the Zionists, Shiites and other anti-Islamic forces. Islam will be attacked inside out at the time of the Antichrist

As a conclusion, Shiism has been for centuries a plot of the Antichrist to destroy Islam from within. It is a cancer within the Islamic nation. Shiism and Islam are two different faiths that can never meet. Islam is from the Creator Himself while Shiism is from the Antichrist who will make false claim to be the Creator.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Book 8 Summary > Segitiga Berdarah Dajjal: Hubungan Rahsia Amerika, Iran Dan Israel Dalam Mempersiapkan Kedatangan Dajjal

Segitiga Berdarah Dajjal


Future Publisher:
PTS Publications

Translated as 'Bloody Antichrist Triangle: Secret Relationship Of America, Iran And Israel In Preparing The Antichrist'.

The work is intended to expose secret relationships of the United States, Iran and Israel in paving the way for the Antichrist. It is a sincere effort by the author to reveal what lie behind the seemingly hostile relations between the 3 regional powers.

The author will touch among others:

Iran-Israel historical ties, from the ancient times until now. Based on the Old Testament

Role of Cyrus the Great in saving the ancient Babylonian Jews. The emperor was considered 'Moshiach' or Messiah by many Jews despite his Aryan descent. Is he 'Zulqarnain' of the Quran?

Birth of Islam. Fall of the Persian empire, subjugated by Islam under the Caliph Umar Al-Khattab's reign

Anger of the Persians towards the new Islamic empire translated into alliance with the Jews, collaborating with Abdullah Ibn Saba' and his followers as well as the Kufan Arabs, in forming basis of Shiism, as a religio-political movement, using 'love of the Prophet's family' to deceive Muslims

Modern times. Iran and Israel, isolated amidst their Arab neighbours, both being hostile towards the Arabs in general, except towards Shiite Arabs (in the case of Iran)

Iraq as centre of attention from Iran and Israel; in terms of historical significance and natural resources

Shiism in modern age

History, role and development of Hizbullah. Is Hizbullah a Zionist front?

Was the 'Islamic' Republic of Iran established secretly by the United States?

Isfahan, Iran was mentioned by the Prophet Muhammad as the future venue of one of the first appearances of the Antichrist

Iran-Contra scandal revisited. Exposing secret military agreement between the US, Iran and Israel

Israel, according to contemporary Shiite scholars. Is she fulfilment of the advent of The Twelth Imam? Mystery behind establishment of Hebrew and Arabic as Israel's official languages

Appearance of the Antichrist. As the new (but evil) Cyrus the Great?

The eventual conquest of the whole globe by the Antichrist, with the exception of Makkah and Madinah, using Iran and Israel as stepping stones